So What is Transgender Day of Rememberance anyway?

Hi guys,

First things first hello and thank you for stopping by. I figured today would be a good time to explain what The Transgender Day of Rememberance is. As I’m aware that not everyone will know. In short it’s a little like the Rememberance Sunday here in the UK. Only instead of remembering everyone who died in the first and sencond world wars, you remember transgender people who have passed.

The service I attended last Sunday seemed to focus on those who had passed as a result of suicide, but this isn’t always the case. Basically it’s a time to remember those who have died because of their gender identity be it by their own hand or somebody elses. It can also be used as a time to remember those who live in fear or who face discrimination and abuse as a result of being transgender.

The day in question was first established by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith. She did this in memory of Rita Hester a trans woman who was sadly killed in 1998. The first one was held in 1999 and they are now held annually on or around the 20th November every year.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you all soon!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Poem: Kids Store

Kids Store

No, no, no…
That’s a boy’s toy, don’t put it there.

No, no, no…
That’s a girls toy, don’t put it there.

Girls here, Boys there.
A pink and blue box each.

Don’t Combine.
Don’t Experiment.
Don’t Incourage.
we have our gender Binary code here.

No flexibility to be seen.
Don’t bend or break the rules.

Boys don’t sing and
Girls don’t shout.

That’s impossible they said.
They have to learn how the world works.

Right and wrong
and left and right.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Self Harm Awareness Day

Hi guys so its the 1st March here in the UK. And that means it’s Self Harm Awareness Day, so I think you can guess what we’re going to be talking about. But if this is a subject you are unfortunately with any reason then it is absolutely fine to skip this post. No pressure, just do what you feel comfortable with. Image from Pexel Media Library.

To start with I’d like to share a couple of websites that might be helpful.

So what is self harm?

Well according to Mind UK “Self-harm is when you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with very difficult feelings, painful memories or overwhelming situations and experiences.”

Why do people do it?

The following list is taken from the Mind UK website.

  • express something that is hard to put into words
  • turn invisible thoughts or feelings into something visible
  • change emotional pain into physical pain
  • reduce overwhelming emotional feelings or thoughts
  • have a sense of being in control
  • escape traumatic memories
  • have something in life that they can rely on
  • punish themselves for their feelings and experiences
  • stop feeling numb, disconnected or dissociated (see dissocation and dissociative disorders)
  • create a reason to physically care for themselves
  • express suicidal feelings and thoughts without taking their own life.

Personally, I think the most important thing to remember is that people who self harm, are people. They need love and support. They don’t need negative judgements. So be kind to each other.

See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Book Review: The Hormone Diaries

Hi guys so today I thought we’d talk about Hannah Witton. So in case you haven’t guessed The Hormone Diaries are about…you got it, periods. Well their about the whole female reproductive system and also covers some information regarding to the male one too. Oh and Transgender an menopause are mentioned as well. So in other words this isn’t a book for the faint hearted. So consider yourself warned oh and there will be spoilers in this so read with care. Image from Pexel Media Library.

One of the things I like so much about this book is that Hannah has included testimonials from her friends/family, experts and followers. She’s a sexual health YouTuber for those of you don’t know her. Basically the book doesn’t just cover her experiences but a whole range of them including transgender! Now I don’t know about you guys but this definitely wasn’t covered in my sex-ed growing up.

One of the things you can always rely upon is that Hannah will always do her research and that the science parts of the books are fully fact based. She also gets the balance with science and testimonials just right in my opinion. And is very good at presenting this topic. Unsurprisingly I listened to the audio version of the book and the parts where she has to explain the diagrams is brilliant.

See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Book Review: The Hormone Diaries by Hannah Witton

Hi guys so recently I finished listening to Hannah Witton’s The Hormone Diaries The Bloody Truth about our Periods and thought I’d share my thoughts with you guys. Warning: This book talks about a lot of ‘taboo’ subjects involving the female and trans experience with hormones and vaginas if this isn’t something your comforable with or you want to avoid spoilers stop reading now.


So for those of you who don’t know Hannah Witton is a UK based Utuber and author who talks a lot about sex, hormones and vaginas in general. The Hormone Diaries is by no means her first book but it is the first of her that I have read (listened too).


In this book she combines scientific information with anecdotal accounts from her fans about everything from periods to menopause to the trans experience. These accounts take the form of letters which are addressed Dear period etc. Thus adding an element of humour to the experience while also being powerful and poignant.


Hannah’s passion for this subject comes across in every word. And her bravery about speak up about such a powerful and taboo subject should not be underrated. Honestly this book has been on my to read list for a while but somehow I just never got round to it. If there is one thing that I am grateful for out of this awful situation we find ourselves in it is that I have finally made time for this book!


See you all tomorrow at 6pm!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo