5 Tips for Body Positivity

Hi guys so let’s face it it’s hard to think positityly about our bodies at time. After all we’re bombarded on a daily bases with adverts pointing out all our flaws and fails. But never fear my dears, here’s Anna with tips to counteract this negative feedback.

  1. Cutting Down

No I don’t mean cutting down on food, but rather cutting down on the negative media. Maybe this means going through your social media and unfollowing things that make you feel badly about your body. Maybe it’s being aware of when you’re feeling vulnerable or sensitive and not going online at those times. You do you.

2. Following

Now I know that this one may sound a bit counter-intuitive given the first point but hear me out. By Following I mean get online and find people who make you feel good about yourself. Trust me they’re are lots of them out there if you look. I suggest looking at the hashtag bodypositivity to start with and going from there.

3. Talking

Now we’re talked a lot about online stuff but what about out and about? Well, if people are everyday live are making you feeling badly about yourself. Then, you need to do the big scary, and talk to them about it. Most people will be horrified to realise they’ve been upsetting someone and will try to step. Pro-tip: remember that if this has become an ingrained habit it may take them some time to change. And may mean you have to remind them a couple of times. Try to work with these people as they are trying and that counts.

4. Distance and Honesty

Ok so you’ve tried talking and maybe it went well and maybe it didn’t. Either way you’re now moving forward but you don’t think the person is trying or even cares that their upsetting you. Well my darling this is the time when you need to consider distancing yourself from that person. Granted it’s not always possible/right to cut someone out but it is ok to limit your time with someone. It’s also ok to ask for someone else to be present if someone is really upsetting you. And if you are about to fully distance yourself from someone and this is the right thing for you then please do!

5. Think

By this I mean stop and really think about why you don’t like a part of yourself be it your hair, belly or legs or whatever. Try to understand why you feel this way and more importantly why you don’t like it. Knowledge is power, tired but true, and understanding where these feelings come from will help you confront them.

Bonus Fact: Negative Body Image or a lack of confidence isn’t going to change overnight or even in a week. Give yourself time to change and move importantly when you slip up forgive yourself. You will get there.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

5 Ways to gain Confidence

Hey guys, so today I thought we’d talk about different ways to gain or build confidence. As this is something that I think a lot of people are struggling with at the moment. A quick note for those who are new, I am not a medical professional.

  1. Practice

I know, I know it’s boring and repetitive but practice makes perfect. It will help you build up the skill and memory needed. After all if we’ve done something successfully several times before why this time be any different. So it doesn’t matter if it’s a presentation, or performing live or simply cooking from scratch. Get out there and start practices whatever it is and confidence will come in time.

2. Dress to Impress (yourself)

It sounds strange I know, but the way we dress really does affect the way we feel. So on days when you need a confidence boost, try wearing whatever it is that makes you sparkle. It doesn’t matter if this is jeans and a T-shirt or a ball gown. You do you. And don’t worry about whatever people say, remember this is about you not them. I know that’s easier said than done. But you got this.

3. Thank your inner critic

Ok I know this one sounds a little strange but stay with with me here. When that inner voice pipes up telling you you’re rubbish or can’t do anything. Thank it for it’s feedback and then let it go. Remember this voice is coming from you and it’s generally coming from a place of fear. Try to work out what you’re afraid of and take steps to fix it. And if you can’t or it’s not something that can be resolved quickly, still thank the thought and remind yourself that you are aware of that problem and you will fix it in time.

4. Start Small

Sometimes, life is just hard and it can seem nearly impossible to get anything done. One way I overcome this is by writing down everything I need to do and ticking them off one by one. It’s good to have some simple or quick tasks there as well as more complicated ones. Start off with the simple and build on up. But be careful, make sure you’re aware of the important tasks and that they do get done at some point as this will really boost your confidence.

5. Set Achievable Goals

I know this one is a little basic but it is so important. It’s all well and good saying you’re going to start your own business or go out more, but if you don’t give yourself a plan how will you achieve this? Make them small to begin with and then as you gain confidence gradually increase the difficult. You’ll be amazed by what you can do.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

5 Tips for Building Self-Esteem

Hi guys so today I thought we’d talk about ways to build self-esteem. After all, lets face it having spent months and months inside on our own it hards to get back out there and I for one would like a boost.l Just a quick note for those who are new: I am not a medical professional.

  1. Make a List

My first tip is to make a list of three things your good at. They don’t have to big things, it might be that you make a mean scrambled egg, or deal with spiders or giveth best cuddles in the entire world. Having written your list stick it somewhere you’re likely to see it. E.g. to the fridge, the mirror or near your desk (if you’re so included). Then when things get tough take a minute to read it to yourself. Don’t be afraid to add to the list as time goes on.

2. Make a Playlist

You can call it whatever you want, but just fill it with all the songs that make you feel on top of the world. And listen to it on your way to work or before that medical appointment or whatever. If you feel comfortable doing so, maybe share it with a friend. That way you guys can add to it and build it over time.

3. Identify Negative Influnces

This ones a little hard but well worth doing. Basically, you need to be aware of how things impact on you. For example, I love the show Jessie Jones on Netflix but I know it leaves me in a really bad place. So even if I’m craving it, I know that sometimes it’s a really bad idea to watch it. Likewise people who we love can leave us feeling low. If this is the case then you may need to talk to them or limit time spent with them. The same is true for work, TV, games, music etc.

4. Prioritising You

Being able to prioritise yourself is hard, like really hard. But it is so important in turns of self-esteem. Because when we do prioritise ourself we are saying that we are worthy of love and affection and ultimately respect. After all, why would others respect us if we don’t respect ourselves? Sometimes prioritising yourself will mean saying yes to things and on other occasions it will mean saying no. It depends on the situation and where you’re at at the time.

5. Challenges

Challenging ourselves is so important, because when we meet these challenges we prove to ourselves that we are capable and we can do thing for ourselves. But don’t panic, no ones asking you to climb Everest or solve world hunger. Maybe it’s trying a new brand of tea or walking to work instead of driving, maybe you take up a new hobby. There are so many ways to do this, it really doesn’t need too scary.

So there’s todays suggests I hope you enjoyed them. And if you have any of your own then please feel free to share them down below.

5 Ways to Say No

Poem: Questions


Q: How does it feel to be you?
A: I know nothing else.

Q: When did you first know you were different?
A: I know nothing else.

Q: Doesn’t it make you sad?
A: I know nothing else.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Lets Talk about…Conduct Disorder

Hi guys, so today I thought we’d talk about a mental health condition known as Conduct Disorder. Before we get started though I would like to point out that I am not a medical professional, my aim here is to raise awareness of different mental health conditions. The imaged used is from the Pexel Media Library. So sit back and enjoy.

Conduct Disorder generally develops in childhood or early adolescence. Others can and often do misinterpreted the suffer as being ‘bad’ ‘anti-social’ and ‘trouble’. This is because those with this disorder will often break social rules and display behaviours that make others uncomfortable or even violate the rights of others. In other words they are difficult children. Suffers will often times present as confident and ‘tough’. However, this is often a front to cover up they’re insecurities.

So what are the symptoms we need to look out for? Well there are a number and it’s important to point out that having one of them isn’t enough for a diagnosis. It’s that a number of these behaviours have to be shown over a period of time. The first thing to mention, is that people with this condition will often be impulsive. And by that we mean that they will act without thinking about the consequences of their actions. As well as have little regard for how their behaviour impacts on others. They will also show aggressive tendencies such as bullying/intimidation/physical harm. They will also violate rules regularly for example by skipping school or running away from home. Then there are, what’s known as deceitful behaviours, which could be as simple as lying. However, can develop into stealing, forgery and breaking and entering. Then there are destructive behaviours, such as destroying they’re or someone else’s property.

It is also worth noting that this disorder can affect both girls and boys. Though boys are know to more commonly show aggressive behaviours. Whereas girls tend to display deceitful and rule breaking. That’s not to say that this can’t be the other way round it’s just that this is the most ‘normal’ or common way for the disorder to manifest. At present it is unclear if there are genetic factors at play as more research is needed. However, a link between developing the disorder and damage to the frontal lobe has been established. Some environmental factors associated with the disorder are poverty, a dysfunctional home life, parents who abuse drugs or alcohol and sadly child abuse. The good news is that this is a treatable condition and that with the right support these children can recover.

Research Link:


See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo