If I could Travel to…Orkney Islands

Hi Guys so today I thought we’d try something a little different. Since lockdown I’ve been thinking a lot about all the place I miss going to and all the place I’d like to go. So I thought I’d share some of them with you all. Disclaimer I haven’t visited the Orkney Islands so everything is based on online research. All images are from a royalty free image google search and are not mine.


So I thought we’d start with The Orkney Islands. A group of 70 Islands just off the north coast about ten miles out from Caithness (Scotland). Between them these islands have approximately 200 known neolithic archaeological sites. These include the preserved village known as Shera Rae where you can explore and enjoy see views as well as coastal walks.


orkney-islands map


One of the main cities on the islands is called Stormness and from there you can very easily visit the fine viking burial tomb at Maeshowe. Though this is a very popular tourist destination so do bare that in mind. The sire itself is situated in farmland and though it is possible to explore the surrounding area some of it maybe off limits as a result. Whilst in Stormness you might want to check out their Pair Art Centre as well.




If animals or bird watching is more your thing then you might want to check out the Old Man Of Hoy where depending on the time of year it is possible to see puffins. And if you fancy getting in touch with nature then a spot of Wild Camping maybe right up your street. It is also possible in the northern most islands to see to the Northern Lights depending on the weather and the time of year of course.




Another fasinating archaeological site worth exploring is The Ring of Brogan just six miles from Stromness. It currently has twenty-seven remaining stones but it is believed to have had as many as sixty to start with however time has taken its toll. The Circle is surrounded by hills forming ‘cauldron’ with the stones themselves near the centre. There is a large rock-cut surrounding the circle itself. It is believed to have been built approximately five-thousand years ago (around the same time as Stone Henge).


Ring of Brodgar


Then of cause there is also Dingieshowe Beach. It is believed that this sand stretch of beach was once an important meeting place for the Vikings. It is also known as a good surfing walking spot. And for the animal lovers out there at the right time of year you are able to see seals.




For City lovers there is also Kirkwall one of the larger places to visit, it hosts lots of interesting tourist attractions. Including St Magnus Cathedral, The Bishop’s and Earl’s Palaces as well as Orkney Museum. They also have a fantastic range of restaurants, cafes, and hotels.


Stromness village in the Orkney islands

See you at 6pm tomorrow!
(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments
(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments




So What is Transgender Day of Rememberance anyway?

Hi guys,

First things first hello and thank you for stopping by. I figured today would be a good time to explain what The Transgender Day of Rememberance is. As I’m aware that not everyone will know. In short it’s a little like the Rememberance Sunday here in the UK. Only instead of remembering everyone who died in the first and sencond world wars, you remember transgender people who have passed.

The service I attended last Sunday seemed to focus on those who had passed as a result of suicide, but this isn’t always the case. Basically it’s a time to remember those who have died because of their gender identity be it by their own hand or somebody elses. It can also be used as a time to remember those who live in fear or who face discrimination and abuse as a result of being transgender.

The day in question was first established by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith. She did this in memory of Rita Hester a trans woman who was sadly killed in 1998. The first one was held in 1999 and they are now held annually on or around the 20th November every year.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you all soon!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo


Hi guys,

Long time no see! A lot has happened since the last time I posted. And honestly, I can’t promise that this is it, as in a full comeback. There’s a lot going on and life is insane right now (but then when is it not?). But I’m thinking I’ll try and give it a go. But there will need to be some changes. Firstly, I can’t post every day, I just can’t do it. But I figured twice a week could work, we’ll see. Right now, I’m thinking of posting every Wednesday and Sunday, but like I said, this is pretty tentative right now.

So what brought this on? Well, the short answer is I really miss it. I miss writing and posting and coming up with ideas. But at the time of writing, it is actually The Transgender Day of Rememberance here in the UK (20th November).

I had made a note of the fact that there was a remembrance service going on at a local church and then completely forgotten about it (typical I know). And I didn’t remember until my phone reminded me about 30 minutes before. I was still in my PJ’s and had less than 15 minutes to get ready, but I made it with time to spare. And yes, I am proud of myself for making it. I very nearly didn’t go.

But I did and it was, well, wonderful. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, and the service itself was nothing short of amazing. Yes, there were elements of religion, but then it was being hosted by a church. They also gave out free tea and cake. Homemade cake, I might add. But the most important thing was this clearly wasn’t a token gesture, the speakers really cared. And the things that were said were beautiful, meaningful, and authentic. They had a slideshow with the names of people who had passed and a map of the world. At one point in the service, you could go up to it and light a candle for either someone missing or for a country or just as an act of remembrance. It was such a simple but magical gesture. I found it really touching. There were also two ladies, one on the piano and the other playing a violin. Again, you could just feel the love and the authenticity in the room. This wasn’t some tick box exercise; they truly cared.

The whole thing was very inspiring and uplifting in a way I didn’t expect. I’ve been feeling pretty bad lately, and this event really helped. There was just so much love in the place and respect. Something which sadly you don’t see often these days. Anyways, I found it really inspiring, so I took the order of service with me and highlighted core words or phrases which resonated with me. I plan to write articles and poems inspired by them.

So does this mean you’ll only be writing about Trans stuff now. For the forseeable future the answer is probably yes as that is what has inspired me to start writing again. However I already have ideas for things outside of this area so we will have to wait and see for the long run. A word of warning though I do see myself going in a more political direction and obviously that won’t be for everyone.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you all soon!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Standup Review: Joe Lycett: That’s The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett LiveJoe Lycett: That’s The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett Live

Hi guys so today I thought we’d talk about the comedian Joe Lycett show That’s The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha Joe Lycett. The live version is available through Audible and is well worth a listen. Though some of the jokes are sexual in nature and isn’t safe for work if you know what I mean.

Personally I’m a big fan of Joe’s, particularly when he trolls scammers on the internet. And I was very happy when a section of the show covered this. Its over an hour long. But you don’t need to listen to it all in one go if you don’t want to. So that’s useful.

The only annoying thing with this format is that at times Joe would show the audience a picture and obviously you can’t see this on audible. It would have been nice if these could have been included in a PDF file. Something audible has done with other products. But most of the relevant scenes can be found on YouTube so there is that. Would definitely recommend though.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Rant: Operation Ark Part 2

Ok guys we’re touching on this touchy subject again. But honestly it just makes me so mad that well all of it.

1. Why do some people assume that a human being is worth more than an animal. And while we’re on the subject we’re not the smartest species. After who’s destroying our planet animals or humans? Who’s destroying nature animals or humans? Who’s starting wars animals or humans? Because I don’t know about you but all that stuff pretty bleeping stupid and it isn’t animals doing it.

2. But that whole above paragraph isn’t missing the point of operation Ark. Which was all about putting animals in the hold and people in the seats. It was the bleeping officials who decided to get officious about the operation. And while we’re on the subject, why in hells name isn’t the main stream media getting up in arms about the fact that the government “couldn’t find anyone to put on the plane”! I mean really? The majority of the country are actively trying to leave and you can’t find one person to put on a plane? That is disgracefully.

On a side note and I will admit this doesn’t show me in a good light. But I’m not a religious person by any stretch but when I heard about that I really really started hoping that there’s hell. Because whoever made that decision deserves to rot in hell for what they did. It is utterly disgusting.

3. I am also so so angry at the fact that poor Pen has had to apologize for the voicemail he left. Firstly it shouldn’t have been made public (not sure that’s even legal). And to do so when he is a long haul flight was nothing short of character assassination. Its nice, to see that the people in charge of our country are such mature and responsible people. Obviously, this was an entirely reasonable thing to do. And in no nasty or immature.

I suppose in 20years cancel culture will come at me with all the extreme things I’ve said here. Afterall I will admit that I am being a bit of a troll. But sometimes we all need to scream at the wind. And lets face it, its not like the people involved are going to read this. However that being said I won’t to make clear that I don’t agree with internet bullying or any type of bullying. This is just me venting my frustration at an impossible situation.

And I do admit that the people in charge of this whole thing are definitely in a dammed if they do, dammed if they don’t situation. And have had some incredibly difficult decisions to make.

To be clear just because the troops have left doesn’t mean operation ark is over. They are still trying to remove people from the area.

I know this has been a very angry post. And definitely not my normal fair. But I do believe it’s helpful to get these things out in a healthy way. Now it maybe in time I feel these posts are not suitable for this blog and remove them. We will see.

However, I’ve posted them in the hope that if you’re out there and struggling with this situation, you are not alone. Yes there are no fairy tale/Hollywood endings. But we will get there people. Take care of yourself.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Poem: To the Display People of Afghanistan

Hi guys so today I thought I’d share another one of my poems.

To the Display People of Afghanistan

To the display people, I am sorry.
I am sorry we failed you.
I am sorry that you as a,
Normal everyday person have had to face the brunt of the carnage.
I’m sorry that you have lost everything.
I am sorry that you have had to travel hundreds of miles.
That you have lost loved ones.
Been shot at.
Emotionally and physically pushed to the limit.
Told you don’t exist.
That your existence is illegal.
That the lives of your loved ones are illegal.

I am sorry the ignorant and stupid will tell you to:
“Go home”
When we all know you would if you could.
When the scum of this world will use this to obliterate and destroy you.
When they complain that you:
“Just bring Trouble”
That your here to:
“Sponge off the taxpayer”

We are not all like this.
There are people out there who see you.
Who care for you.
And will help you.

I am sorry we gave you false hope.
For that is the cruel thing.
I am sorry we abandoned you.
I am sorry for the state of this miserable world.
I am sorry we left you.
I am sorry that some do not care and do see.
I am sorry you are forced to walk unfamiliar streets.
I am sorry for our fickle hearts.

I am sorry…for everything.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Rant: Operation Ark…

Hi guys so there’s a lot of crazy sh*t going on in the world right now. And what with everything I feel it’s important to talk about it. But obviously this is a touchy subject and so if you’re not comfortable with it nows your time to back out.

Why is the Ark Rescue Mission so important?

To me the Ark Rescue Mission is utterly, fundermentally important, because it shows us that even at our absolutely worse as a species there is always some selfless and good people. And my God do we need people like that right now.

It is important because we as the west have caused this mess we must take responsibility for it. That means protecting the most vulnerable people. And yes that does include animals. The Taliban aren’t know for the postive stance on animal rights. Granted they aren’t know for their postitive attitude towards anyone but humans know what’s coming animals don’t.

We need hope in these extremely dark times. And a ‘fun’ animal rescue story is good for that.

But why are animals being priorities over humans?

This just shows a fundermentally lack of understanding of the facts. The animals were placed in the hold. Leaving all the seats free for human occupation. And as the plane was funded by the public no resources were taken up. In fact in terms of available aircraft it added to the pool rather than taking away.

Sadly and ridiculously it was the MOD’s chose to leave said seats empty. Don’t even get me started on that appalling decision. I know Pens received some negative backlash from certain news sites for certain messages he left the defence mister. But why is this in any way surprise? I mean here’s a guy in the thick of it being shot at and tear gased! Just trying to do the right thing. And all he gets is abuse on twitter and blocking from the UK government. If I’d been in his place the message wouldn’t have been so polite I can tell you. The C word would have come up a LOT and the phase hung, drawn and quartered (in the medevil sense) would have been used. And yet the papers in question imply he’s done something wrong. Honestly it just makes me so angry. The mans in a war zone for christs sake. Yes, I’m looking at Guardian Newspaper. Once again very disappointed.

Going back to the animals in the hold point for a minute, it’s important to note the animals weren’t being priorities over humans. They were being priorities over luggage. Something I am more than happy with. Afterall, when you’re fleeing from a war torn country packing is a luxury most will not have.

Its just so upsetting that the staff and their families haven’t made it out yet. We can but hope they do so in the coming days. But let’s face it things aren’t looking good.

The powers that be have a lot to answer for over this. Its a complete and utter disgrace. It makes me ashamed to be British. Utterly deplorable behaviour from the higher uppers involved. To be clear I am not aiming this at the troops on the ground they are doing a fantastic job. As well as the aid workers.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Poem: Uluru

Hi guys so today I thought I’d share another one of my poems. So enjoy.


The red rocks kiss the sky.
Trodden Path.

Age before beauty.
Beauty in Age.
No softness here,
In this barren landscape,
Of Blood Red sand.
Stripped to bare naked beauty.

The pink of the sunset.
Fills the frame.
The stars a twinkle.
The sun is bright.
A day, A night, A day again.
Time is meaningless.
Space is worthless.
In the face of Uluru.
The behemoth, majestic beauty.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Poem: Propaganda



Dragons breath on the air.
A flask held in shaking hands.
Sips are sipped and passed along.
Armour creaked and Swords gripped.
And breath drawn slowly in.

The fire comes, hot and fast.
Burning all, in its path.
Armour melts, molding form.
People replaced monstrous statues.
Deformed paradises of people.

The battle is over.
Smoke fills the caven.
Like funeral rites.
The people are gone.
The dragon settles down.
Weighing a tone.

Poem: Working on a Summer’s Day

Hi guys so today I thought I would share one of my poems.

Working on a Summer’s Day

The light pours in through tinted glass.
Giving it a funny cast.

Trapped here in this room,
Gives nobody a boon.

No Praise or cheer to be found.
Not on this barren ground.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo

Poem: Brain Fog

Hi guys, so today I thought I’d share another one of my poems. So sit back and enjoy.

Brain Fog

Creativity drifts through the mind.
Like everlasting time.
The fog is all, and all is fog.
Leaving the mortal man agog.
Hope drains from this weak corpse.
Back unto the dying Earth.

Norons flicker one last time.
In a defiant last stand.
But the brain is gone,
Melted away.
Never to see the light of day.

Image from Pexel Media Library. See you at 6pm tomorrow!

(Mental Health) Instagram: @annaspositivemoments

(Artists) Instagram: @annascreativemoments

Facebook: Anna Maycock-Frame

Twitter: @Annascreativemo